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Home News Civil and Political Rights in times of Pandemic

Civil and Political Rights in times of Pandemic

December 14th, 2020, 2-4 pm ; December 15th, 2020, 2-4 pm
Seminar: Civil and Political Rights in times of Pandemic

Seminar: Civil and Political Rights in times of Pandemic


December 14th, 2020, 2-4 pm:

Emily Patterson - International Human Rights Lawyer

Right to personal liberty

Stephanie Mackenzie-Smith - Ryerson University and York University Communication and Culture program

Right to access information

Miriam Bartolozzi - Università di Macerata

Right to privacy

December 15th, 2020, 2-4 pm:

Ronald Car – Università di Macerata

Right to political participation

Andrea Bruscia - Università di Macerata

Interconnections with social and economic rights

Irene Antonopoulos - De Montfort University

Right to life

Please click on the link below to join the webinar:

The students of Global Politics and International Relations (LM-52) will receive 1 cfu for the participation. They have to send a written report to prof. Car