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Home News Foreign language courses a.y. 2016/2017

Foreign language courses a.y. 2016/2017

Foreign language courses 2016_2017

Foreign language courses 2016_2017

Notice is hereby given that the foreign language courses offered in the academic year 2016/2017 under the master’s degree program in Global Politics and International Relations (LM-52) are the following:

-Advanced French - offered by the Department SPOCRI. Professor: Mathilde Anquetil. Course syllabus:

-Advanced Spanish - offered by the Department SPOCRI in the Master’s course LM-62. Professor: Armando Francesconi. Course syllabus:

-Advanced German (for LM-52) and Lingua Tedesca Avanzata (for LM-62) – offered by the Department of Humanities in the degree course LINGUE E CULTURE STRANIERE OCCIDENTALI E ORIENTALI. Course name: LINGUA E TRADUZIONE TEDESCA II. Professor: Lucia Giuliano. Course syllabus:

-English for Economic and Political Relations – offered by the Department SPOCRI. Professor: Viviana Gaballo. Course syllabus:

-Arabic - offered by the Department of Humanities in the degree course DISCIPLINE DELLA MEDIAZIONE LINGUISTICA. Course name: LINGUA E TRADUZIONE ARABA I (divided in A-L and M-Z). Professor: Ernesto Russo. Course syllabus:

-Chinese - offered by the Department of Humanities in the degree course DISCIPLINE DELLA MEDIAZIONE LINGUISTICA. Course name: TRADUZIONE CINESE I (divided in A-L and M-Z). Professor (M-Z): Daniele Massaccesi. Course syllabus (M-Z): (the course syllabus for A-L is under approval)

-Russian - offered by the Department of Humanities in the degree course DISCIPLINE DELLA MEDIAZIONE LINGUISTICA. Course name: LINGUA E TRADUZIONE RUSSA I (divided in A-L and M-Z). Professor: Sara Polidoro. Course syllabus: